Why Should Everyone Learn To Code.
The other day I was talking to my friends, and they are all pretty bored with this lockdown situation. Well, I can’t help but wonder why they aren’t learning how to code rather than sit in front of their phones all day every day. It’s almost like they are fed up of being lazy. Well, I’d like to say that the best way to break from this bored lifestyle is by learning something new. The best thing that I would prefer any one to do is learn to code, and here’s why…
We all are seeing just how influenced our lives are due to A.I. and we are using it in our daily lives. Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and more are already heavily influencing our lives. Its hard to imagine a life without tech now, unless of course one is living under a rock. Not just this, but also the fact that we humans are getting lazier by the second is another influence of tech. Now, we don’t have to remember a million phone numbers or remember to attend that meeting on Tuesday, do we? This is all because of tech. But taking it a step further, wouldn’t it be cool if you yourself could make your life easier? that is possible by learning how to code. You can do all sorts of cool stuff with code, like making a script which reads out all your mails early in the morning without you even having to do anything at all! Its not theory anymore, its possible. You can do anything with code, from automation, to machine learning, to building apps which revolutionize the world as we know it. Yes, its possible now with code. Even though some of the readers here will be like, “Yeah, whatever, its not easy at all! unless you have been programming since you were 5, its impossible to do it!”, but trust me when I say this, Its totally possible. Not every one has been coding since they were 5. Its only about the effort that you put in to learning how to code that counts. After you learn to code, you can do anything that you want. The only thing which will be limiting you will be your imagination. With code, you can do anything that you can imagine.
Coming to a very popular question which people ask all the time, “Who can code?”, the straight answer to that question by me will be anyone who has a will to learn to code can learn to code. You don’t need to have a math degree, you don’t need to be coding since you were 5, and people are changing their careers even at the old ages of 50 or more! Its all about the will.
Another point on which I would like to touch on is that you don’t have to make this your career, but for sure you can. If you find yourself repeating something over and over again, you can automate that with code. You can make a change in your daily life with code, and not every one wants to be a software engineer, and I understand that. That is the reason why I say that you don’t have to take it as your career, but you are very welcome if you do. The demand for coders is high in the market right now, and even if you don’t want to become a professional developer, you can always try to improve your life by making simple scripts to automate the boring stuff.
If you haven’t already understood it, you can do anything with code. I want to emphasize this point even more, because some people just think that it is not possible.
To sum it all up, here are the key takeaways from this article:
- Anyone can learn to code, as long as they are willing to do so
- you should learn to code because of its limitless power and because after that you’ll have the ability to change the world right from your home.
- You are never too late to learn to code. People are changing their careers at ages as high as 50 or more!
- You will be doing a favor to yourself by learning to code.
- You don’t have to change your career to software engineering, you can use code to improve your daily life by automating some boring tasks.
If you stuck around till here, thanks! I highly appreciate it! I hope that you found value from this article!
Stay tuned for more.
Stay home, Stay safe.